While we love the sentiment, it’s going to take an extraordinary amount of confidence to rock a skin-tight mini dress, a puffy vest and bedazzled captain hat–at the same time. However, that seems to be exactly the over-the-top look Nicki is going for with her first fashion collaboration. Add some printed leggings, babyboll dresses, bold blazers, metallic bustiers and you’ve got yourself a celebrity clothing line that’s more flashy than classy.
In the “Shop Your Way” clip, the 30-year-old rapper-cum-designer gushes over the garish garments and explains that she didn’t want fans to think she’d only be producing “crazy stuff.” But that’s all we’re seeing. Considering Nicki’s recently makeunder, we thought the line would reflect some of her toned down style, but then again this KMart partnership was inked when the star was still sporting costumes andpasties on a regular basis.
Check out the video above. What do you think of the collection?
Source: HuffingtonPost.com