Bitchielife.com has an exclusive interview up with famed choreographer LaurieAnn Gibson best known for her work with Diddy as well as Lady Gaga. But she is also the woman responsible behind the dance moves for Nicki Minaj. Here is what she had to say about Nicki:
What was it like working with Nicki Minaj?
When I first met Nicki, I was so blown away by her fearlessness. The first time I saw something like that was with Gaga so I was so excited because I began to understand that the process of Gaga kind of perfected my gift. It was like iron sharpening iron. So when I saw Nicki, I was clear about how much talent and ability she had, how big her dreams were, how much of a performer and a world changer she could be with her music and shows. We connected the first time working with Puffy on the BET Awards and it was a great process. Don’t get it twisted, she will stress me out in the ninth inning.