MTV News
Nicki NOT Performing on American Idol?

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Nicki Minaj sat down with MTV News last week and informed them that she would not be following fellow Idol judge Keith Urban’s notion to perform on the show.

Speaking to MTV News: ‘I think kudos to Keith for doing it, but I just don’t know if I want to wear that hat there,’

“All of these kids that are left right now, I don’t want to see any one of them go now,” Minaj told MTV News during “MTV First: Nicki Minaj.” “To be completely honest, I feel they could all go out and make an album right now and be successful around the world. And also, they put in work, they put in a lot of work and they deserve to be there. I think that’s what makes me happy. The people we have left deserve to be there.”

“Burnell has a real R&B soulful John Legend voice to me. I could completely see myself doing a song with Burnell,” Minaj said. “Kree [Harrison] and Janelle, I see them doing more country, so I don’t know how that would work, but to be honest, I would work with any of them.”

While Minaj is open to working with the contestants, there is one thing she may be opposed to while on “Idol” — performing. The Young Money rapper revealed that even though performing her new single, “High School” with Lil Wayne would be “dope,” she, unlike fellow judge Keith Urban, who took the stage last week, is still unsure if judging and performing mix.”

“I don’t know if I want to wear the performer hat on ‘Idol,’ ” Minaj said. “I think kudos to Keith for doing it, but I just don’t know if I want to wear that hat there.”

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