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what’s on nicki minaj’s ipod?

When she’s not popping up on records by everyone from M.I.A. to Trey Songz, Nicki Minaj is busy recording her debut album Pink Friday. So what does the Harajuku Barbie listen to during her downtime? Entertainment Weekly reveals the fierce females and familiar faces that make up her iPod playlist.

Drake – “Find Your Love”
I love the entire album, but “Find Your Love” is like a movie. It reminds you of something, but you kind of don’t know what.

Lil Wayne – Rebirth
I’m [a guest performer] on that one. And I just like that he was able to cross over into rock/pop a little bit. I’m a fan of when people do what you don’t expect.

Mariah Carey
I always have Mariah for when I just feel like curling up in bed. On her last album, it’s “H.A.T.E.U.”

Beyoncé – “Poison”
When I tell you it gives me life, like, it gives me life. Her voice is effortless. It’s badass, like, “I know I’m the best.” I love the melody, I love the cadence. It’s playful, but it’s just so in-your-face. It’s dope and it’s creative.

Rihanna – Good Girl Gone Bad
I love “Sell Me Candy.” That’s one of my freakin’ favorites. Timbaland produced. I love that and “Rehab.”


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